Custom Cigar Bands


      Custom Cigar Bands

      Custom cigar bands are great for weddings, bachelor parties, bachelorette partiesbirthdays, and baby showers. Add funny or special messages to cigar bands to capture attention while making memories. A custom cigar band is certain to get some attention!

      Custom Made Finest Designs

      Be it weddings, birthdays, corporate events, or golf tournaments, cigars have an overwhelming impact on such occasions. Custom cigar bands and stickers are a great way to impress your pals. Our cigars bands are known to be the finest ones in the industry. We design each band and sticker as per your personalized specifications. As you can see our website provides you a glimpse of amazing and exotic designs that are found nowhere else. Additionally, high-quality cigar wrappers enhance the product's presentation and branding, making your cigars stand out.

      From special occasions to special announcement cigar bands, iCustomLabel utilizes a perfect branding approach to light up the occasion, personalized cigar labels are indeed a quick and easy way to make the celebration absolutely happening. We design your cigar stickers with your personalized messages including important dates, names, and places. Let everyone know that the high-quality custom cigar bands and stickers have reached the party. Custom sizes are available to cater to different events like weddings and corporate gatherings, ensuring a perfect fit for every occasion. Our experienced graphic designers ensure the most professional appearance for your personalized cigar labels.

      Materials and Finishing Options

      We offer a variety of materials and finishing options to suit your needs. Silver foil is available as a premium option for cigar band labels, adding a luxurious touch to your personalized designs.

      What are Custom Cigar Bands?

      Custom cigar bands are personalized labels designed to wrap around cigars, adding a unique touch to special occasions, events, and everyday cigar enjoyment. These bands can be customized with various designs, logos, text, and images, making them an excellent way to promote a brand, commemorate an event, or create a personalized gift. Typically made from high-quality materials such as paper or foil, custom cigar bands come in various sizes to fit different cigar types. Whether you’re celebrating a wedding, hosting a corporate event, or simply enjoying a cigar with friends, custom cigar bands elevate the experience with a touch of elegance and personalization.

      Designing Your Custom Cigar Band

      Designing a custom cigar band is a straightforward process that can be done online or with the help of a professional designer. You can choose from various templates, fonts, and colors to create a unique design that reflects your brand, occasion, or personal style. Custom cigar bands can be adorned with important dates, names, or messages, making them a thoughtful and memorable gift. Additionally, you can incorporate your own logo or branding to achieve a professional and elegant look. Whether you’re marking a significant milestone or promoting your business, a well-designed custom cigar band adds a personal and sophisticated touch.

      Materials and Finishing Options

      Custom cigar bands are available in various materials, including paper, foil, and plastic. Paper cigar bands are a popular choice, offering a classic look and feel. Foil cigar bands, on the other hand, provide a luxurious and premium appearance, often used for special occasions and high-end events. Plastic cigar bands are durable and waterproof, making them an excellent choice for outdoor events or everyday use. Finishing options include glossy, matte, and spot varnish, allowing you to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your custom cigar band. Each material and finish offers unique benefits, ensuring your cigar bands are perfectly suited to your needs.

      Ordering and Production

      Ordering custom cigar bands is a simple process that can be done online or through direct contact with a manufacturer. Most manufacturers offer a minimum order quantity, typically ranging from 24 to 50 pieces, depending on the material and design complexity. Production time varies, but most custom cigar bands are produced within 3-5 business days. For those in need of a quicker turnaround, rush processing and expedited shipping options are often available for an extra cost. This ensures timely delivery for your special occasion or event, allowing you to enjoy your custom cigar bands without any stress.

      Marketing and Branding with Custom Cigar Labels

      Custom cigar labels are an effective marketing tool for businesses, events, and individuals looking to promote their brand or create a lasting impression. By adding your logo, branding, or message to a custom cigar label, you can create a unique and memorable experience for your customers, clients, or guests. Custom cigar labels can be used as party favors, promotional items, or corporate gifts, offering a sophisticated and premium way to showcase your brand. With various materials, designs, and finishing options available, custom cigar labels can be tailored to meet your specific marketing and branding needs. Whether you’re hosting a corporate event or celebrating a personal milestone, custom cigar labels provide a stylish and impactful way to leave a lasting impression.


      Custom cigar bands are personalized labels that wrap around cigars, featuring your own design, logo, or text. They are perfect for special events such as weddings, birthdays, corporate events, or as part of custom gift sets, adding a sophisticated and personal touch to cigars.

      Yes, you can fully customize your cigar bands with your choice of text, colors, images, logos, or designs. Whether you want to add names, dates, or company branding, our design tool allows you to create unique cigar bands tailored to your occasion.

      We offer cigar bands in standard sizes to fit most cigar types. Our most popular size is 3.25"x1.25", which fits most cigars. If you need a custom size to accommodate a specific cigar, please contact us, and we will do our best to fulfill your requirements.

      Our cigar bands are printed on high-quality, durable paper with a glossy or matte finish. They are designed to wrap smoothly around cigars and come with an easy-to-remove adhesive that won’t damage the cigar when removed.

      The standard processing time for custom cigar bands is 3-5 business days. Shipping typically takes an additional 3-5 business days depending on your location. If you need your cigar bands sooner, we offer rush processing and expedited shipping options.

      Yes, our cigar bands are designed for easy application. They come with a self-adhesive backing that allows you to wrap them securely around the cigar, and the adhesive is strong enough to hold but gentle enough to remove without damaging the cigar.

      Yes, there is a minimum order quantity of 24 cigar bands per design. This allows us to offer affordable pricing while maintaining high-quality printing. For larger orders, we offer discounts and special bulk pricing.

      Yes, you can order a sample of your custom cigar bands to see the quality and design before placing a larger order. Contact our customer service team for more information on how to request a sample.

      Yes, we provide digital proofs of your custom cigar band design before production begins. This ensures that you can review and approve the design before the final product is created, giving you full control over the look and feel of the bands.

      Our design team is available to assist you with the design process. Whether you need help choosing fonts, colors, or layout, we can guide you through creating a professional and elegant design that matches your needs.

      Absolutely! Custom cigar bands are a great way to promote your brand at corporate events, product launches, or client gifts. Adding your company logo or branding to cigar bands offers a sophisticated marketing tool that leaves a lasting impression.

      Due to the personalized nature of custom cigar bands, we cannot accept returns or exchanges unless there is a defect or error in the order. If you encounter any issues with your cigar bands, please contact us, and we will work to resolve the issue.

      Yes, we offer competitive pricing and discounts for bulk orders. If you are planning to order a large quantity of cigar bands for an event or corporate gift, please contact us for a custom quote based on your order size.

      To ensure your cigar bands remain in top condition, store them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or moisture. This will help preserve the adhesive and prevent any fading of the design.