What will it BEE?
Baby showers have become more and more common. And often now are hosted so the parents-to-be can find out their babies gender while family and friends surround them. So what a fitting theme we thought this would be to share!
What will it BEE?? How cute! We love the pastel yellow and gray colors and the honey combs every where.. we are almost waiting for Winnie the Pooh to show up!
We highly agree with Pizzazzerie (where we found this super cute idea) that the gray and soft yellow fit a baby shower much more then than a harsh black and bright yellow would!
These expecting parents welcomed their guest with simple favours including... you probably guessed... HONEY! Go a step further and go to your local farmers market and get favoured honey (if there is some)! Everyone loves something different! This honey and cookie are just the beginning of the sweetness that this shower has in store for its guests.

After asking there friends and family to vote whatgender they think it will be (maybe even host a naming game!) there was ca table full of all kinds of treats. Try yellow marshmallows or honey comb cupcakes?! We are just hoping that your guests like lemon!
Ending the party is a large Beehive Cake! Inside the color means either boy or girl! (Get the doctor to right it on a piece of paper, seal in a envelope and give to your baker! Chocolate means boy and Vanilla means girl - or vice versa!)
Congrats on your little one (if you have one on the way!)!
and we would just love to see photos of your baby shower! Gender Reveal or Not!
CREDITS + RESOURCES Design, concept and styling : Magdalena Oh So Chic Celebrations | Photography: Joseph K. Muscat| Stationery Design: Lulliloo Paperie | Marshmallows: Oh So Chic Sweets | Sugar Cookies: Periwinkle Sweets | Cake Design: Iris Cakes | Cake Pops: Evie + Mallow | Cupcakes: Tiny Delights Inc. | Candy:LOL Candy | Plates: Spirit Chinaware | Flowers: Events Inspired
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