We all start our relationships with the best of intentions - unfortunately, what can be the start of something beautiful can end rather poorly. Sometimes, relationships end really poorly. Sometimes, the only remedy is - wine (and lots of it). If you got dumped, or one of your girlfriends got dumped, it might be time to pop the cork and dish out some good-old fashioned 'happy' juice (yes - alcohol...). Few things are more important than showing your friend you care and displaying your solidarity when the going gets tough. Because we believe in the power of friendship and good spirits, here are some ideas for creating a Men Suck, Drink Wine Party to remember... (p.s: we suggest setting this ground rule - no drunk dialing)...
Project Idea:
Make these super cute custom wine glasses to go along with your custom wine bottle lables!
Click here for the directions :)
1. First Things First - Order Custom Labels.
As you can see, we create some
pretty amazing labels for dumpees (is that the right word?). They're fun, they're funny - and they just might make your friend smile. Perfect to share on Instagram and Facebook to show your friend's ex-guy they are OVER it, these labels can be made however you think they'll look best.
2. Bring Gifts
Your friend's self esteem might have take a hit. To cheer her up, treat her well - surprise her with chocolates, flowers, a nice card or a gift certificate for a massage. Shower your friend with as much love as you can and be sure to treat her the way that you would want to be treated if you were in the same situation...
3. Focus On Positives
When a friend gets dumped, it can be pretty tough to see what's positive in a given situation. It's up to you, and your gals, to bring as much positivity to your buddy as possible. Happy music, cute photos of puppies - and sharing stories about past relationships ending that lead to bigger, better ones are all great ideas for keeping your friend going through the hard times.
When you're friend is down in the dumps - because they got dumped - it's time to change things up and bring on some serious fun. You don't have to hire a male stripper to cheer your best bud up - just order up some custom wine labels and have a tasting party (to remember).
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