If you like bright overflowing floral weddings as much as we do, then you're going to love these cute as a button wedding ideas. Wedding essentials include button invitations, button flowers and flower jars, button chairs, and button shaped treats. Let's start with the invitations that you can see above. Cute colorful printables with a special touch-buttons! A few different sized buttons attached to the cards will give a real insight into the wedding theme and a sneak peek of which colors will be used in the wedding. Another great idea would be to use
button address labels specially printed for each guest.

Here's a lot of space for DIY projects. All you need are fresh florals, few mason jars and thousands of buttons. Yeap! These vases filled with colorful buttons can be used as centerpieces. They are quite unique, but not overbearing. The colors should include different shades of the sunset palette (that means lots of oranges, yellows, and a bit of soft pink). You can easily decorate the jars with button tags or
jar labels. What a bright button theme!

Button up your chairs! The concept of this wedding is quite spontaneous so it gives you free room to utilize the button elements anywhere you want. The idea of decorating each chair with themed colored buttons and stripes is so sweet. If you're a real DIY lover, you can draw buttons on the chairs or paint them to match the theme. Anything that will open up the view and take your wedding to a totally new level.

personalize snacks and treats. You can use
custom toppers, button-shaped cupcakes and cakes, or bright colored finger food. Play with the food but don't overdo it. The idea of
tagging the treats with the names of your guests is absolutely amazing. That way everyone will feel special and honored-and that's what you want. Cute as a button, agree?
Wedding Chicks
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