A wedding should be a bright ceremony which screams for attention, life, and happiness. Right? Well, don't be one of those one- or two-colored-wedding people and bring joy to the most important day of your life. Shine bright and show your guests that life is not all about black and white. Strong colors are the latest hit so use that to spice up your wedding ceremony and impress everyone. Here are five ways to add color to your wedding without overdoing.
#1 Toppings and toppers

Make a bar with lots of different colored
toppers and toppings your guests can use for cakes, ice cream, or even drinks. The more colors you include, the merrier it'll look. Luckily, this season has brought us so many fruits you can use to make salads, shakes, and juices. And if you need colorful cupcake toppers, check out our offer. A bar as bright as this one will surely wow everyone.
#2 Colorful bouquets

A wedding bouquet is just as important as a wedding dress. It needs to be impressive, yet delicate and most importantly-colorful. Whether you choose to use real flowers or fabrics, you still need to shine. So don't be afraid to add as much colors and shades as possible. Not to mention that you can make a different colored bouquet for each of your bridesmaids to achieve a stronger wow effect. Lovely!
#3 Colorful schemes

There are tons of options you can go for here. You can decorate the entire venue or only the reception tables with matching colors like purple, turquoise, pink, and orange. Choose flowers in the same colors and make them your centerpieces. Plates, napkins, and a rich tablecloth can certainly create the same effect. If this is a bit too much for you, then perhaps you choose to create a separate snack bar and decorate it with colorful balloons, ribbons, and pearls. Either way, you'll set a pretty joyful atmosphere.
#4 A layer

White is white-we get that. And if you don't want to have your wedding dress in any other color than that, it's perfectly fine. But what about a sweet layer like a colorful cardigan which you can wear once it gets a bit chili and the sun starts to set. It will highlight the dress even more and add a wonderful touch to the photo shoot afterwards.
#5 Joyful wine

Check out these
colorful cartoon wine bottle labels above that we did for
Comic Strip Mama. How adorable are they?! So colorful and fun they will definitely make all of your guests smile. Play with simple details like these and create yourself a colorful wedding! You deserve it!
Photo credits:
Lucky Girl
The Knot
The Green Wedding Shoes
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