Barbecue Party Tips

4f96e3d114f0927ac6000771-1335288787Spring and summer are the two easiest seasons to party and entertain. Everyone loves barbecue parties because they are casual and relaxing. If you have an important event coming up, or just want to enjoy hanging out with your friends and family, you should definitely invite them over for some grilled food and beers. It'd be enough to send out barbecue themed invitations to let them know the date and the location of the party. You don't have to worry about a theme, decor, or stylish centerpieces. You just need to take the party outside and let nature do its magic. If you insist on decorating your backyard, then use simple classic items like vintage tablecloths, simple vases with summer flowers, and a few personalized candles to add ambience and to keep bugs away. Follow these three barbecue party tips to make your party a success! Choose the right menu! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Even though you can grill pretty much anything and keep it all juicy and yummy, be sure to pair up the food. Choose the right salad that goes well with the meat, or serve different dressings, salads, and side dishes so everyone can choose for themselves. You can have chips, salsa, and some vegetables as snacks while the meat is being grilled. And don't forget the dessert. Sliced watermelon or a pile of creamy cupcakes will do great. Final food tip: carefully decide how you are going to serve the food. Are you ready to do the wash-up afterwards or do you want to use plastic plates and forks? Beer, beer, beer! il_570xN.507625314_re2b Barbecue food should be accompanied by beers. You'll need a lot of them because your guests will have a stronger thirst that usual. Keep them well cooled and stored in ice buckets or a refrigerator. To add to the relaxed and joyful party atmosphere, personalize the drinks using fun beer labels. Also, since the party will be outside in the sun, we all know that nothing can replace the good old H2O. So, keep a few bottles in the ice bucket, as well. To match your drinks, have your water bottles custom labeled. That will entertain the guests some more! Plan party activities and games! You can't have your guests sit through the party. They need to spend all the calories they put in, so plan ahead some fun, but not too hard or competative games. We're thinking volleyball or badminton, or even karaoke? There are a lot of fun outdoor activities to choose from. As long as the atmosphere is relaxed and enjoyable, you're on the right track. Have fun! Credits: BBQ Invitations Chicken and SauceBB

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